exact sciences|exact science in English

science which permits accurate quantitative analysis or measurement (physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, etc.)

Use "exact sciences|exact science" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "exact sciences|exact science" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "exact sciences|exact science", or refer to the context using the word "exact sciences|exact science" in the English Dictionary.

1. Science is an exact discipline.

2. Economics is not an exact science.

3. 14 Science is an exact discipline.

4. Yes, navigation has become an exact science.

5. It's not an exact science, this business.

6. It's an exact science, consistent as gravity.

7. Predicting the weather is not an exact science.

8. Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science.

9. Reading brain M.R.I.'s is not an exact science.

10. This isn't an exact science, but it gets pretty accurate.

11. State-of-the-art instruments make today’s navigation an exact science

12. Advertising is not an exact science - you're always taking a risk.

13. (A functor is simply exact if it's both left exact and right exact.)

14. Tracks: (1) Assyriology (2) Egyptology, and (3) History of the Exact Sciences in Antiquity.

15. It is not a natural science, and therefore not an exact or purely abstract science.”

16. Exact Brights ® Papers EXACT Brights® Papers

17. 6 Politics is as much an art form as an exact science.

18. It relies heavily on the exact sciences and aims to achieve their standard of accuracy.

19. Exact noon.

20. Exact composition unknown.

21. That biography can not be an exact or impartial science is, of course, obvious.

22. Baking, negative exact

23. Once he said that pseudoscience is embraced in exact proportion as real science in misunderstood.

24. Advantages Exact facsimile copies.

25. Few Aspects are ever exact (exact Aspects are referred to as partile Aspects)